Monday, February 22, 2021

Feb Update


Greetings fellow Empyreans this is Ashterothi with your weekly update!

While Incursions were very successful, and we expand on supporting many activities at the moment, our main focus right now has been on Guardian Gala sites as they are very good ISK that focus on teamwork. However, this will end tomorrow so the next major event we can expect will be around Easter. If you are interested you can be ready by specifying the "Events" interest area on the website. (

After Guardian Gala is over, our main focus will be ongoing after Rogue Drones, Drifters, and other enemies of all Empyreans. Small gang roams in low-sec, Pochven, and Drifter hives should be developed and expanded upon. This will help us increase combat readiness, diversify activities, and allow us to engage in the bleeding edge of EVE content as a unified force.

We have changed how Standings are done within CoE. +5 (light blue) is given to organizations and individuals that are extended services from CoE, though this does not necessarily mean they will be friendly towards us outside of High-Security Space. +10 (Dark Blue) will be used for political agreements and you are expected to not shoot +10 blues. Likewise, -5 (Orange) means the organization or individual is a known bad actor and therefore should be concerned about suicide ganks and such. -10 is reserved for ongoing hostility or historical blacklisting. All of this can be found on our Notion (

Speaking of which, Notion is being updated almost daily and is quickly becoming THE go-to source for information about EVE Online and the Convocation of Empyreans. Be sure to check there first and come to me (Ashterothi) if there are things missing (especially if you want to help add them in, you will need to make an email for this - I recommend []

Discord is also being updated. As part of my restructuring to organize the game and our organization into activities, services, and locations, the discord will be changing likely this week to reflect this. It should be minor but it will be even more important for you to flag yourself with your interest areas on the website for the Discord to work. I am looking for a Node.JS developer to help me build a couple functions into the bot to make the Discord work even better.

Atlantis is back! Our Highsec static wormhole used for logistical operations has been secured and infrastructure is being moved in now! What this means is everyone will be asked and expected to build blank clones and have them stationed in the wormhole. Expect more information this week, but to be ready you can make your blank clones now and start growing them in Pemene. We will help people get things in and pay attention to Discord for when to do this. All Staff and Mentors should get up to speed with what will be expected so we can execute this quickly and effectively.

That's it for this week. The next Staff meeting will be next Wednesday @0100 EVE Time.

Monday, November 2, 2020


Greetings fellow Empyreans,

CoE has successfully defended the first threat to our infrastructure. 

For nearly a year of explosive growth and accumulation of members, wealth, and political power, CoE has endured several threats to our projects. Atlantis and our lowsec holdings have both been destroyed by our enemies. We have always held firm that these were experiments, which meant that we decided to let them go when they were attacked. Some doubted us openly, suggesting that we could not defend. The days were numbered until Pew Bears would come under fire in Highsec, and we might lose everything. Many said we couldn’t defend our home.

They were wrong.

When PNS wardecced us, there was major confusion about the cause of this war. While they were known to be EDENCOM loyalists, Xenuria appeared to claim credit for this attack, long before the war was widely known. PNS and their allies have consistently denied this, and since then Xenuria has continued to subvert both the Kybernauts and CoE, and his prior treachery has also been exposed. At this time we no longer believe he was actively involved in this war, merely opportunistically sewing confusion and unrest. We will likely have to deal with him again.

In reality, the history between Kybernauts and CoE has been touch and go. What was once a dream of working together to provide access to this newest content in EVE has increasingly become a source of misunderstandings, drama, and division. In spite of that, the public connection between CoE and Kybernauts has been observed, and though we have failed to actually work together much, the perception was enough for PNS to attack us. Even those who remained in CoE and were actively promoting EDENCOM were now forced to fight other pro-EDENCOM forces to defend their home so they can mine unimpeded by this in the sites. For the majority of the conflict, the politics were mired in confusion.

At first, we attempted to defend and that went quite poorly, the details of which were reported in my short AAR. The sum of it is, we ended up with our main manufacturing hub and our refinery coming out of hull timer. This woke us all up since this was in fact the credible threat we had all been preparing for. All of CoE kicked into gear.

Too many people to mention volunteered to help. Previously, I had not considered the impact of having our Raitaru be the thing knocked into low power, and I simply could not have brought things together without the incalculable effort put in by our members and friends during this short window, within three days we had a fully functional Machariel + Praxis fleet with Leshak support. It was stressful and fantastic.

However, I also found out something that made it much more difficult than many realize. 

About a week prior to this our much-beloved member of the leadership team GoJess stopped being as active as before and people were starting to notice. The same day I received the wardec, I learned she had a seizure that landed her in the hospital, and that she has scheduled for surgery. 

I won't lie, I didn’t want to do it. Given the circumstances, the last thing I wanted was to throw time and effort into a video game. I worried about my friend. I worried about all of those who put trust in me.

What stood with me the whole time was that you all deserved it. We needed to do it, regardless of how I felt, or what else was going on. If I was capable of helping, I needed to. You all put your trust in our leadership team, and if we fail, I have failed you. If you were willing to form to defend, you deserved a fighting chance. 

So, together we stood, with help of NOIR (who I hired to help). We knew the enemy would come with a counter to our fleet comp, I knew they would know our comp, so I drilled in my head how I would deal with various situations. We had every reason to believe they would bring an armor comp again. However, they brought shields to the timer in Caslemon. They had used Cerberus in the past, and as I prepared I continued to ask myself “but what if they bring the Cerbs?”

The showing was spectacular. Our allies ERB and CoE numbered just under 100 strong. One system away NOIR sat, waiting to refit as necessary to bring disruption and dismantle enemy logistics. 

The call came out from the scout: Cerberus and Stormbringers. 

We all quickly adjusted our fits to adapt for the fight. Thankfully a diligent member had made a veritable cloud of bookmarks around our structures, allowing me to warp the fleet to and cut off the enemy fleet with good effect, and we split the two fleets apart. In the end our allies and the Helldawn fleet who had come to get some kills, managed to dismantle their attack fleet enough that they were forced from the field twice and ultimately conceded the object. The first-timer was saved and our kills nearly doubled our losses:

The next three hours between timers were long. We passed the time playing some Among Us with my son, thanking those who had to leave, and welcoming those who were joining for the second timer. 

The second report was Abaddons and Guardians. I expected them to be somewhat Kite-y again, but they were Pulse not Beams. However, our Machariels had swapped to autocannons which allowed us to take the slug out and hold the line in spite of taking some costly losses. We knew we were putting extra ISK on the line to defend our home, and they punished us by gutting it. 

The thing is that this is Crimson Harvest now, and 90% drops means a lot of our fits were recoverable. In addition to that, we also recovered a lot of ISK from their own wrecks. 

More importantly, our home was safe:

Inspired by our victory our fleet decided to take the fight to the enemy HQ, scouting our way past their fleet through the two jumps of lowsec to their highsec island. The infil went without serious event, and while we kept eyes on the 30 or so reported enemies in systems around us, only one lone Structure pilot attempted to stop the reinforcement. 

However, as I had feared the enemy had used this time to secure the lowsec chokepoint out.  It was either log out in the system, or go through the trap. It was obviously a setup to put them in an advantageous position, but we wanted to test ourselves, and we were feeling pretty good. 

As we jumped in they pointed several of us and after we killed a couple of ships, they dropped the first round of capital ships. Once they decided they were having trouble holding us, the second cyno went up and in came the Nyx. We were burning out of the range of the points but soon after enough was enough and with the bagpipe music playing I warped the fleet away to leave my Damnation to be destroyed by the enemy fleet.

Though invigorated by our victory, I remained distressed. This was a solid win, but was also spiraling into a deeper and deeper conflict. I was inspired by the strength our members mustered when the time was needed, but I also knew that I could not betray them by using that to drag them into a protracted conflict out of false notions.  I reached out through our neutral leadership to them to explain the situation, and decided to move the Kybernaut Directors out of the fight and informed them that we would not be attacking their timer, as a sign of good faith.  They responded with a willingness to negotiate for peace. While it was not required by PNS, I offered to end the formal connection between Kybernauts and CoE. 

Kybernuats wanted to be their own thing, CoE never wanted to have to get dragged into this forever war, and PNS was willing to back down if we surrendered the war dec. 

Surrendering is a mechanic in which the target of a wardec can effectively request an end to the war. By accepting the surrender the war ends in 24 hours, and cannot be resumed by either side for at least a week. For CoE, this is over. 

Kybernauts channels have been removed from CoE Discord. We still are friendly with Kybernauts, as we are with many organizations across all of New Eden. The Convocation of Empyreans stands together, safe once more. 

Now stronger than ever.


Sunday, August 23, 2020

Aug YC 122 Update - Kybernauts and Atlantis

 Greetings fellow Empyreans, what a time to be an EVE player!

Recently, Niarja has fallen to the Triglavians. This was long considered to be the “crown jewel” of the Invasion feature set and represents a massive disruption in trade between Amarr and Jita.

That said, one Empyrean’s loss is another’s opportunity. 

With the separation of Amarr, this gives additional support to Dodixie as a major trade hub, this will likely be handy for our larger efforts, but more on that in the weeks to come.


While it is no secret that I have struggled to find a place for the Kybernauts, and to give it the support it deserves, it was always intended to function as an enabler of Invasion content, more than in competition to be the “best” Triglavian corp. The goal is to have the Kybernauts corp be a kind of “militia corp” for the TTI. To better facilitate this, we are making two big changes:

  1. Senior members of TTI have been brought in as leaders to help manage the corporation

  2. The tax rate has been reduced to 0%

Atlantis and the Future of CoE

One of the major impacts of the last couple weeks of Invasions is that you can no longer be 100% neutral to both EDENCOM and the Triglavians, which means you will be persona-non-grata in at least one of the two kinds of Minor Victories. They have slowed down the lock speed of the dreaded Werposts and Gunstars, but this represents a massive disruption to our hauling services. 

All that said, the solution is simple: we must reestablish our logistical command center in Atlantis. The Atlantis Project is one of the core projects of the Convocation of Empyreans, and is focused on securing a low-class wormhole with a high-security static. Yesterday we began the process of occupying a new Wormhole candidate for the Atlantis Project. 

While everyone in the Alliance will benefit directly or indirectly from Atlantis and its services, if we want to have this incredible opportunity it is up to us all to do what we can to make this happen. 

Yvenaas will be the Director in charge of Atlantis and has taken care of our move-in operations. We have plans and assets in place to allow anyone with a will to help to do so effectively and with minimal personal investment. This is a team effort. 

Thank you all for participating in this, and thank you for an incredible birthday present. 

Monday, June 8, 2020

Invasions Chapter 3 Convocation of Empyreans Update/FAQ

Greetings fellow Empyreans!

There has been a *lot* going on as of late. Since the release of Invasions Chapter 3, there are more things to do than ever before for solo, small and mid-sized and even large gang PvP, PvE and a mix of the two! I am so excited for what all of this means for us as players of EVE Online, but also the Convocation of Empyreans itself. Now more than ever EVE Online needs a visible, positive force for learning and growing new, transitioning, and returning EVE players. 

However, with so much going on, it is easy for confusion to take hold. A lot of changes are happening, on top of a lot of changes that were already happening. Ashterothi (the character) has left the Alliance, there seems to be a whole new corporation and discord, and a lack of fleets is causing people to feel listless and antsy. 

I hope to clear some of that up here by answering some FAQs

  • Have you left us?

No. Heret Kau is my character, and the Executor of the Alliance. Mortis Astarte is my MALRO Director. Ashterothi is meant to swap around as needed, as she has with AIDER in the past.

  • But, what is Kybernauts?

With Invasions Chapter 3 we are asked to choose a side. Because this works with standings, we have to choose a side for each character. The EDENCOM side is the same content we have already done, and the pro-Triglavian (called ‘Kybernaut’) side is full of new challenges and puzzles to solve. 

  • So who runs MALRO?

Pockets does, as always. We have promoted GoJess into COO (Chief Operations Officer) and she has done a stellar job so far. Now that we understand what kinds of systems we want, I am fully confident that our leadership team can make it work far better than I ever could.

  • How do I get involved with the Kybernauts?

You can solo Forward Posts, we will be coming out with a guide soon but here is some information: <> . Beyond that, check out <> and the Discord linked there.

  • Wait, there is another Discord? Why not just have this in the Convocation of Empyreans?

Because we aren’t the only, or even largest players in this right now. The Triglavian Initiative Discord already exceeds ours in size. For the time being, I am trying to work with the other FCs and leadership involved. 

  • Are we going to run Invasion fleets like we used to?

Yes! I plan on working this week towards building a Kybernaut doctrine to run the Field Base, which is the equivalent to Major Conduits. The good news is the ISK payout will be 33% better, as it doesn’t give LP.

  • But what if I want to run for EDENCOM

We have partnered with Arataka Research Consortium, who runs regular pro EDENCOM fleets. Discord:

  • Why haven’t you been streaming?

Between the **Wrecking Machine** , setting up stuff for **Kybernauts** , and our wormhole eviction I have had a lot of things going on that are too sensitive for streaming. I have tried to get on when I can, and I like to spend time with other streamers as well, no man is an island after all. I should be getting back to a more regular schedule shortly, but I always say that ;-)

  • Speaking of Wrecking Machine, where's my money???

I have started contracting out the Small Skill Injectors to people who won them. **I need** people to accept contracts quickly, so I can put out more. Additional skill injectors will be available for those who didn’t win, and those we feel deserve particular accolades.

  • What happened to the Wormhole? Has Atlantis sunk?

Atlantis is gone, but not forgotten. As I stressed before, we needed to have defenses in place before the problem arrived. Unfortunately due to the real-life riots and other events, most of the leadership within the hole could not respond to the event, and therefore we were incapable of mounting any real response. The *vast* majority of the resources inside were rescued. We do plan on rebuilding Atlantis, now that we know what exactly we want it to look like. This was an experiment, and we gathered lots of valuable information. Atlantis will rise again.

In addition to this, there will also be an update from GoJess, and as always please DM me with any questions or concerns you may have. 

- Ashterothi

Monday, March 30, 2020

Convocation Mining Update

Some simple things to cover moon mining operations in HS.

Hephastus: Mondays 23:00
Zeus II: Wednesdays 23:00
Gerbersters, Zeus I and Greensfields: Rotating Saturdays 14:00
Every Saturday at 14:00 EVE time there is a moon pop

Participation in Convocation mining activities requires being in the Mining Standing Fleet and responding to call-outs on comms in the event of danger. Failure to do so will be disqualifying for SRP. This is to ensure that we do not lose ships needlessly and expose ourselves as a soft target to hostile groups. SRP will be provided on a case-by-case basis otherwise. 

While I understand that not everyone wants to be on discord in voice Mining channel, this is here first and foremost so you can hear emergency commands. You don’t need to be able to talk, however situational awareness is very important for these operations in EVE.

Be respectful of others. 
When selecting which rocks to mine, try to avoid rocks that already have someone mining them. Not only is this considered polite, but it prevents wasted cycles. As the field gets mined out, it will often be harder to find good rocks, but spreading out and being willing to mine all of the available rocks will ensure the whole field is mined efficiently. Drones can and should be used on the closest rock to you, regardless of whether someone else is mining it.

Use of alts
While we understand ambitious members may have many alts, to try to make things fair for everyone. If you have 3 characters mining, it is considered polite to stick mostly to the lower quality ore in the belt. It all has to be mined eventually, and those who bring larger groups of miners should go for quantity over quality and leave more valuable ore to those who may not have a fleet to mine with. Try to look at it as if you were a solo miner trying to make isk, and a fleet swoops in to grab all the good stuff. Individuals are limited to bringing a total of three mining barges without special permission. We often do not need excessive Orcas, and yours may be asked to not participate if we are already covered. Speak to the Mining Manager, Cyberwolf, for more information or any exceptions needed.

Only members of the Convocation and those Blue to them are welcome to mine in our moons. Exceptions can be made by the Mining Manager. 

ALL Ore will be contracted to the Mining Manager (or designated leader for the operation). Once Ore is accounted for, payouts can be made based on contribution. If you wish to keep some of the resources, you can coordinate with the Manager. Ore will be refined by our refining team and resources made available through our Alliance programs. Do not take Ore you mine away from the moon, as we must account for it to do payouts. 

We have several players who just sit and scout gates while you mine, so we can all mine more safely. When their name is tagged in fleet chat, please drop them an isk donation, as they are the ones who sit there, bored on gates, watching for gank fleets and for reds in the system.

Happy Mining and if you have any suggestions for the mining please reach out to our Mining Manager, Cyberwulf 

Monday, December 23, 2019

MALRO - AIDER Update - Realizing the Dream

Greetings fellow Empyreans, 

I am happy to announce that MALRO and AIDER have both been exceeding expectations in numerous places. We have been stimulating the Dodixie market with essential ships and modules, capitals are rolling off the lines, PI is flowing to fuel block manufacturers, and a hoard of Triglavian ships fit to stock an alliance are under collective construction. The State is once again routed, and soon we will once again be the defenders of the southern warzone. We have the incredibly powerful tools built by AIDER at our disposal, as well as the incredible Industrial tool LMEVE.

Fun fact: Aideron Robotics first made their name by becoming the most powerful Industrial force, and they did so on the backs of three incredibly talented and dedicated dudes. LM EVE began as a part of that effort, and I am happy to say that it is up and running, powering our industrial wing once again. 

When AIDER joined Faction Warfare (FW) it split the corp. The industrialists sensibly did not want to be in Faction Warfare. We originally envisioned a joint effort of High-Security forces and Low-Security fighters. While I still believe we all went into that with the best of intentions, over time it was obvious that the “joint” effort was in name only. When Aideron Technologies finally came under wardec, AIDER responded that the best course of action was to not fight. While this was the correct advice, it appeared as if we had no intention of defending our ally. The dream died that day.

That dream is now alive, and fully functional. 

Aideron Robotics is a proud Gallente Militia fighting force, filled with venerable pilots, and a dedicated mission of ensuring the southern theatre of the warzone remains within Gallente control. Because of this, they need ships, logistic help, and pilots. Because of them, our industrial program has access to numerous Low-Security industrial structures,  fortified by their bonuses from the space they occupy and the investment of our militia’s pilots into the FW system. 

Faction Warfare systems confer the following bonuses in addition to the standard Low-Security ones:

  • Reduce NPC taxes for industry
  • Reduce broker fees
  • Reduce clone costs

In addition, AIDER is forming a Low-Security Mining team, as well as working with MALRO to start a Low-Security Invasion team. The mining fleets are ongoing, however, they are dangerous. SRP will not be available for any but the most exceptional reasons. We expect our pilots to be active and use expendable equipment (provided on-site). This is one of the highest risk endeavors for mining, but the money is certainly there. Contact Baynex for more information. AIDER Discord: 
MALRO has become the 5th largest independent corporation in EVE Online, bursting at over 700 members, and given that we actively encourage people to keep alts in alt corps, I only assume our number of individuals rather than alt accounts is higher than normal. MALRO has successfully and regularly conducted attacks on NPC Forward Operating Bases, frequent Invasion running at all levels, as well as providing buyback programs and resources for anything you could want to do in High-Security space (provided that it’s in accordance with MALRO principles detailed later in this post). 

In the last several months, MALRO has increasingly become a household name. Together we are changing the way people look at EVE Online, creating a space for players new and old to discover the game, engage in its mechanics, and find others interested in doing what they want to do. 

In fact, the only serious complaint that I have heard is a lack of information about where to find information. We are a very social group, and our Discord almost always has 5-10 folks hanging out. I understand that not everybody is able or willing to be in Discord, so this and future updates will serve as a more permanent source of information. 

I want to assure everyone that we are in the business of solving each other's problems. That same group just hanging around serves as a fully functional Quick Reaction Force (QRF). I am pleased to report that we have a pretty successful hobby of responding to all kinds of problems, in particular people going suspect in your Emerging Conduits. If you have any trouble out there, and could use some help, let people know in Discord. You can post in any relevant channel, and a list of opt-in channels can be found in the #information channel. In-game chats are insufficient as they give no audio cue, and thus cannot alert people to your request for assistance.

On a similar topic we also now have a “home defense force” in the form of PewBears. The idea is that anyone willing to join the effort should put one or more Alphas into PewBears and have them in position, such that when the call goes out you can simply dock up your main and be on the grid in the time it takes to log in. Once enough people are interested, Jay’s plan is to begin doing more structured activities with the forces. All you need to do is take advantage of the million SP from the buddy code referral program, then train the required skills for one of our doctrine ships [see the “MALRO Doctrine Information” in-game channel].

On the subject of High-Security combat, MALRO has a “don’t be a dick” policy; however, given its ambiguity, it only serves as a guideline. EVE is, after all, on some level about dickery, so what actually falls under social grace vs punitive transgression is a more nuanced discussion. That said we have one rule that is hard and fast, and now a second one to cement in our culture, and our understanding of what MALRO is and what MALROvians can be trusted to not do. Violations will be acted upon. 

  • No suicide ganking in High-Security space
  • No entering other players Missions for the purpose of disrupting the mission, attacking their MTU, or other such negative intent. 

(I wanted “no smartbombing in highsec”, but I got voted down)

For current fleet action, we have frequent operations in coordination with AIDER. Due to our diplomatic agreements with FEDUP, we will not form up with the main Militia fleets that include RDRAW, as we do not wish to be on opposing sides. We are otherwise free to conduct our own operations and join AIDER in their efforts. I advise anyone interested to hop on AIDER’s discord and sign in to their Alliance Auth website. 

On the subject of AIDER’s web tools, they have incredible tools at their disposal -everything from a shiny map & tracker for Faction Warfare, to courier contracts through CFO, visualisation of character skill profiles (shown below), and doctrine progression - including bridges to Discord for important alerts.

As I mentioned, AIDER also runs a program known as “Cars From Orbit” (CFO). Through CFO you can have parcels magically teleported back and forth between Jita and Fliet, and I am happy to announce that services now include Pemene and Amoderia (our low-sec pocket). If you wish to take part in this program, contact Baynex. For instructions as to how to use the CFO services, see the pinned messages in the #freight-services channel in AIDER’s Discord. 

For those wanting to live the spookier side of life, we now have accommodation available in two wormholes. The first is a C2 with a C1 and a High-Security static, and the other is a C4 with a C4 and C3 static. We have recently anchored a Fortizar and Athanor within the C2, and both systems are looking for more occupants. With a few more people they could make some great activities and resources for everyone. Additionally, paying close attention to our C2 statics can allow you to move goods without crossing through any ganking areas. Opportunities abound for those who chose to join the wormhole group, but NO TALKING IN LOCAL! 

To discuss structure a bit. AIDER is commanded by Baynex. I trust this man without question. He has not only been in AIDER likely longer than anyone beyond Marcel and his close buddies who are in for legacy reasons but he also, through CFO, has been the beating heart of AIDER for half a decade. When it was time for me to move to MALRO, I don’t even think I asked, I just informed him that he was going to be in charge. AIDER would have to have a new commander, and I needed someone who I knew would never waver from who AIDER is at it’s core. He has not let me down; AIDER is back in Fliet and actively expanding their efforts. 

When it was time to choose a logo for FEDUP, I held a competition and Keltorin won. I made him my propaganda minister and when it was time for us to start to build a new High-Security organization, he was the one I went to in order to lead it. Since then he has done so dutifully, and has defended the MALRO identity. One of the most critical tasks of MALRO leadership is to not be lured away by attractive options in Null-Security space. We are here because we want to live in High-Security space. 

What we need more than ever is a larger active staff. While these and other programs are functioning, they do so thanks to a limited number of people, and I know there are others looking for their place. In particular, we could use recruiters, particularly in the EU and Asian time zones. We need more people writing guides and helping us make MALRO even more useful. We also need FCs in all timezones, both PvP and PvE. If you’re interested in anything here, or interested in starting your own project, please contact the head of that project or myself to get involved. 

As always, if you do not get an answer elsewhere, please bring the issue to me. I probably either have your answer or know who does. Do not struggle in silence. 

Together, these two organizations have grown ever closer, realizing the dream we once had for a united High/Low group that focuses on learning, teaching, and engaging with EVE Online. Thank you all for coming with me this far. We are changing this game, for the better. We will help usher in a new golden age of EVE Online. 

  • Ash

Monday, January 29, 2018

Alliance Update: OicX Marks the Spot

Greetings stalwart defenders of freedom, I bring you good news!

Thanks to your great effort in beating the incoming nullsec group ‘Cloaked Goofs’ at their own game, our Sky Admiral Kontra accepted their surrender, and promise to end future hostilities. We have proven our worth not only as an Alliance but as a sov holding organization, able to defend against incoming threats and requiring the combined armies of 3 alliances to turn us away.

However, in a way, this has been a distraction from our real cause. As we celebrate our victories in Cloud Ring, our true enemies grow in strength and boldness. Our Russian corp, 17th Squadron, has been monitoring an increasingly dire situation. In spite of our ongoing pressure, the State has managed to secure Oicx as a fortress and staging point for incursions into our southern region.

In the past, we have struck deep into the northern territories, which has been a wonderful show of force, but hard to follow up on. Instead, we want to bring FEDUPs banner once again under a common cause. We will strike hard and firm against Oicx and root out the Squid infestation there. It will not be easy, the last time we fought the combined might of the State. We expect similar resistance, and so have made this a grand affair! Success will allow the 17th to defend our Western flank and secure our holdings.

Ring the gongs! Rally the troops! The Federation returns to war!